Follow your Peace Corps path

View volunteer openings

The best way to figure out what program is right for you is to do your research! Look closely at Volunteer openings for both programs and countries. You can filter your search by sector, language, region, couples-accepted programs, and departure dates. You have the opportunity to choose three program-country combinations for your application, so make sure to spend a good amount of time on researching all available programs.

Talk to a recruiter

The campus-based recruiter is your resource for all things Peace Corps! If you are applying to the Peace Corps, the recruiter can assist you with your application. If you are an undergraduate and would like to pursue the Peace Corps after graduation, make an appointment with the recruiter to gain information on steps in becoming a more competitive applicant. Students that are interested in Peace Corps but are a few years away from applying are encouraged to join the Peace Corps Advocates student organization.

Attend a local event

The best way to learn about Peace Corps is by attending some of the numerous events both on campus and in the Madison area. Events vary greatly in topic and focus, so you can find what interests you! Returned Peace Corps Volunteers talk about the work they provided in service, explain their day-to-day at site, or perform a rehearsed story about their service at a storytelling event. Others give presentations about specific types of jobs in the Peace Corps, facilitate application workshops, and/or participate in panel discussions about living and working abroad. You can also find Peace Corps representatives at most UW-Madison job fairs. The options are endless! View our events calendar.

Online events

Can’t attend an event in person? There are many options to register and attend sessions online, from application workshops to specific country discussions and sector-specific programs.